Friday 27 April 2007

The final touch

Hat attached!

I hope this is worth it!


db said...

what a splendid job you've made with that attachment! With the hat you are invincible (or at least never short of admirers.)

Good luck from all the Beadles

JP said...

Hi Lester and Nick, I keep checking in hoping to see pics of you in your cycling shorts (worth an extra £5 in sponsorship !!) but as yet I have been disappointed and have needed to get my kicks elsewhere ........

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!

ibusby said...

can't begin to think what that does for aerodynamics - must add a few extra miles worth.

hope you have a good trip - looking forward to following the progress.

The O'Tooles said...

Hi Lester and Nick - well done for completeing your bike ride - how's the saddlesore??!! Let's hope that you've raised a huge amount of money for such a worthy charity.
Lots of love
the O'Toole